Pelvic pain

Pelvic Pain 

Our treatment is successful in 90% of Pelvic Pain cases. Our protocol is short and takes up to just 8 visits to control pain. 


How to treat chronic pain is generally a mystery to doctors and other practitioners. Why? Several reasons including not treating the root cause of the pain. The most significant reason we have discovered is because the nervous system is not regulated. If the nervous system is not regulated then the pain sensation simply continues. Nerves are the 'messengers' of the pain sensation. Nerve pain anywhere in the body can be regulated in the majority of cases.



 Pelvic Pain conditions we treat:

  • Pain during or after sex
  • Vulvodynia- Vulvodynia is pain that affects the vulva for no apparent reason. The pain of vulvodynia may be constant or it may come and go.
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Painful urination
  • Pudental Neuralgia
  • Interstitial Cystitis- Women with interstitial cystitis have an inflamed bladder. The inflammation is not caused by an infection.
  • Pelvic pain or cramps before or during your period
  • Pain when you ovulate (same protocol of endometriosis)


What is involved in the Program for  Pain Control.

Pain control methods to re-program the neurological environment of the pelvic area using manual techniques, acupuncture or dry needling.


Initial Consultation. We will-

  • Go over your medical history and symptoms
  • Explain the reason for pain and the mechanism involved
  • Explain the whole treatment protocol
  • Explain the methods we use and how they will benefit your condition


The treatment

Our approach is very gentle and non-invasive. There are points on the body that we use to regulate the nerves that are imbalanced and causing the pain. After we have done the gentle manual nerve regulation method we then use acupuncture to further regulate the nerves. 

These pelvic pain conditions commonly take 8 treatments for best results. 


Want to learn more about Pelvic Pain?


Pelvic Pain Patient Questionnaire
Please print, fill ot this questionnaire and bring it with you to your first consultation.
Pelvic Pain Patient Questionnaire.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 264.4 KB